Saturday, December 06, 2008


Addiction, there are many kinds of addiction, from the usual smoking or coffee drinking to drug addiction. I HAD one of those addictions, no other than World of Warcraft (clearly obvious from my previous posts, WoW was mostly mentioned in those posts).

Everything I do will somehow relate back to WoW in this way: "If I was playing, I could have been Level XX by now or I could have gotten X equipment by now." Only the other day I was talking with my friends about it, we were laughing about it and realised how WoW can turn us into. We already stopped WoW then and only will pick it up again when Wrath of the Lich King (an expansion to WoW, WotLK for short) hits the store. I stopped a month after I started working back in May.

So WotLK got released, and I got myself a copy, together with a limited edition WotLK Razer Goliathus mousepad. The mousepad is awesome. Basically, the WoW cycle repeats itself, though I am in control of my appetite for WoW now LOL.

Anyways I started working in KPMG, one of the Big 4 accounting firms. If you google around, I am sure you will find out lots of info about it. I have to admit, my job is interesting. Its always different for every job you will be on. Nice colleagues, nice environment, "nice" working hours. Overall, I like my job for now. Let see how will it be after the coming peak period, coupled with the financial crisis that's happening now.