Tuesday, August 08, 2006

ACCA Leadership Camp 2

I am back, since yesterday, but i dont have the time to blog, have to study for tests. Just had 2 tests today and they both sucks anyways, its like no point spending time to study.

Forget about the tests, the leadership camp was great, no regrets. Did so many cool activities there and made some new friends. Lazy to describe the activities XD Basically, there were 155 participants, divided into 16 groups, played meaningful games, earn points. We have to like create our own team (called tribes there). We have to decide on a name, origin, culture and a warcry. The warcry part is kinda crap XD Most of them are just crapped out anyways XD. In the end, our team, called "TooWyn", meaning we went to win, and we really did. Emerged victorious with 278 points. One word: teamwork.

Heres a little info on our tribe:
Name: TooWyn
Origin: Underground Storeroom of Starbucks, Pulau Pangkor <--- XD
Chief's(leader of the team)Name: B.C.Lee (great leader he is)
Wiseman's(co-leader of the team) Name: Ben (great co-leader he is)
We had 10 members in our team, but i lazy to name all of them out, sorry XD

The theme for the camp was "Breaking Boundaries, Beyond Numbers". Kinda sucks that i didnt bring a camera there. Ah well, at least my tribe members and friends are sharing the photos taken, thanks :)

I actually broke one of the rules (rules are meant to be broken anyways) there, which is sticking to the apartment units you were assigned to. Some guy from unit101 (where my friends were) switched with me, unit306 (which i originally belonged to, and thats where his friends were). We didnt get caught throughout the camp XD

Overall, the camp was really great. Had lots of fun. Except for the bus ride part (app. 3hrs), it feels like travelling back to Penang (app. 4hrs). They go the same direction anyways, North. Hope theres another camp next year :P

Still have another test tomorrow, sucks. ACCA is all about tests and exams. Am gonna end this post here.

-End of this post-

1 comment:

platypus said...

that's it~ you've got the momentum down. now keep blogging :D

trust me. when you've hit 50 posts or so, you'll enjoy reading up your old posts.